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Welcome to My Blog

      Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Peace Be Upon You.       Hello and welcome to Scratches On The Wood blog. I am Ibnu Rifki. I made this blog as a tool for me to funnel my idea and my writing skills. It is also used as a media for Introduction to Journalistic assignments. Introduction to Journalistic is an English Department third semester subject. In this subject, students will comprehend how to write in journalistic.  For students who like writing, broadcasting and finding information, journalistic is a new challenge. There will be information and news that I will post in this blog. I am not going to be Yellow Journalism for sure and there will be no sensation in this blog. I would like to post educative information, Islamic post, events, politics, cultures, etc. Either to fulfil the Introduction to Journalistic assignment, I also write essays, short stories or poetries. So, this blog is going to keep in my hand forever, share...

Jangan Tinggalkan Shalat, ya!

Semakin hari, kita melihat meninggalkan shalat adalah sesuatu hal yang lumrah kita saksikan saat ini, padahal meninggalkan shalat merupakan dosa besar, yang bahkan, sebagaimana yang dikatakan Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah, "Dosa besar yang paling besar dan dosanya lebih besar dari dosa membunuh, merampas harta orang lain, berzina, mencuri, dan minum minuman keras" (Ash Sholah, hal. 7). Meninggalkan shalat termasuk dosa besar karena shalat merupakan salah satu rukun Islam yang wajib dilaksanakan dan merupakan tiang agama. Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ”Inti (pokok) segala perkara adalah Islam dan tiangnya (penopangnya) adalah shalat” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 2825). Shalat juga merupakan pembeda dengan orang-orang kafir. Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Sesungguhnya batasan antara seseorang dengan kekafiran dan kesyirikan adalah shalat" (HR. Muslim, no. 978). Dalam sebuah ayat, Allah Azza wa jalla berfirman, “Jika mereka bertaubat, mendirikan sholat da...

Islamic Organization, Forstudi of Agriculture Faculty Held Beneficial Program with Islamic Syiar

Sidiq giving his da'wah to the audience. Padang, J-News - On 13 November 2018, Agriculture’s Islamic  organization, Forstudi FP Unand (Forum Studi Dinamika Islam Fakultas Pertanian, Andalas University) held a Syiar  Islam, BISI (Bincang Asik Seputar Islam) at Al Kahfi Musholla, Agriculture Faculty. The da’wah is delivered by Sidiq, S. Si themed Emulating the Akhlak of Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as a Provision of Life . Sidiq opened up his speech by a narration of Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wasallam, that said, “Be a scholar, a teacher, a listener or one who loves them. Do not be in a fitfth category and thereby be ruined.” (Al-Baihaqi) Sidiq, then, told about the the habit of Prophet Shallalahu alaihi wasallam’s comrade in study. “Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wasallam also told that the previous comrades or also known as salafiyah, when they go out of the masjid, they will not walk side by side but they will repeat their Qur’an memorization.” ...

All You Need to Interview Someone

Interview Interview is a conversation, face to face, mostly in formal way, where questions are asked by interviewer and answers are given by interviewee. Interview can be found in a job interview, journalism, research, psychology, and others. Sometimes interview is happened in our daily life or maybe you would like to interview someone for assignment or just to try. But, did you ever think you did it correctly or have you known how to interview someone perfectly? So here, all you need to interview someone are preparing, performing, and executing. The first step to interview someone is to prepare yourself. You have to research your interviewee. You have to know your interviewee, what his identity especially his name or his position and what his authority; is he a witness or a president, a govenor or something like that. Then, do a research to the topic of the news that you want to write. This is very important so you can understand the topic and easily write and ask the questio...

Have a Good Holiday in Vũng Tàu City, Vietnam

A view from Mount Viba in Vung Tau City. Holiday is at hand! You definitely want it, right? It is the best time to tune out your weariness after a hard, busy time in your school, college, or work. In holiday, you can have a great moment in your life, with your family or your lover. Maybe you want to try something new for your holiday like visit other countries or you have a dream to have a holiday outside your country. If so, one country you may add to your list is Vietnam. Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country on the South China Sea known for its beaches, rivers, Buddhist pagodas and bustling cities. In this country, people know Hồ Chí Minh is the famous city and most visited by tourist. Besides this city, there is a recommended famous city in Vietnam that you can visit, Vũng Tàu City. I have a Vietnamese Facebook friend, Thuan Than, who shared her short weekend holiday experience in this city via Messenger. She went to the city with her boyfriend by motorcycle. Actually, ...