All You Need to Interview Someone
Interview Interview is a conversation, face to face, mostly in formal way, where questions are asked by interviewer and answers are given by interviewee. Interview can be found in a job interview, journalism, research, psychology, and others. Sometimes interview is happened in our daily life or maybe you would like to interview someone for assignment or just to try. But, did you ever think you did it correctly or have you known how to interview someone perfectly? So here, all you need to interview someone are preparing, performing, and executing. The first step to interview someone is to prepare yourself. You have to research your interviewee. You have to know your interviewee, what his identity especially his name or his position and what his authority; is he a witness or a president, a govenor or something like that. Then, do a research to the topic of the news that you want to write. This is very important so you can understand the topic and easily write and ask the questio...